What’s Wrong With This Picture?

The Roosevelt Gate at the north end of Yellowstone National Park ushers visitors into an area of arid conditions. Called the Serengeti of the park, after Africa’s national park and game reserve, for its diverse collection of different species of animals and plants.

Prickly Pear Cactus

Bighorn Sheep Ewes.

The seemingly ever-present park ranger materializes any time people stop to view and photograph the animals.

Youngsters from several families pose with rangers at the Mammoth Hot Springs visitor’s center, where they display their junior park ranger patches after being sworn in.


Elk feeding.

Bison foraging in burned out area.

Geothermal activity.

Sunset on the road from Norris to Yellowstone Lake.

An elk climbs out of the Yellowstone River after swimming across it at dusk.

The cabin room at Yellowstone Lodge; it was Spartan, comfortable and expensive.

The quilt on the bed at the Yellowstone Lodge cabin.

I wouldn’t normally show you the toiletries, but in Yellowstone the bar of soap is shaped like a bear. They must be very popular because they are sold at the gift shops for 99 cents.

Open the door in the morning and there’s Yellowstone Lake.

The view of Yellowstone Lake from the main dinning room window at the Lake Hotel.

Etched glass on the gift shop door and found throughout the public areas of the Yellowstone Lake Hotel.

An ornate drinking fountain at the Yellowstone Lake Hotel.

Leaving the Lake Hotel and there is a Bison grazing not more than a 100 yards from where I slept.

Yellowstone Lake is part of the giant caldera of the Yellowstone volcano. It is a super volcano that is past due to erupt. Scientists speculate that when it does erupt it will darken earth’s skies for years and devastate the world as we know it.

A black Bear.

The proverbial “Ranger Smith” making sure that “Yogi Bear” and park visitors don’t get into any disputes over a “Picinic Basket.”

Visitors explore the park by all sorts of means.

Old Faithful Lodge’s grand view of the geyser.

Old Faithful Lodge’s fireplace.

Old Faithful Lodge’s grandfather clock.

Old Faithful Geyser.

Old Faithful Lodge’s anticipation for the next eruption is posted in the lobby.

You know your eating in Yellowstone by the artwork on the table.

Grand Teton National Park

Black Bear sighting.

Young Ranger assuring safety at a bear sighting.

Well-equipped Park Ranger, including rubber boat for possible river rescue. To date, and in part, due to low runoff, there have been no river rescues.

OK, you go find the tripod holes of Ansel Adams and Minor White and hope for good light. You take what you get; a gray day.

Indian paintbrush and other flora.
1 comment:
Once again...most awsome photos! :)
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