Anonymous, you’re still out there. You’ve asked a fair question:
Can you give us an update as to when Michael Astorga will go on trial? Thank you.

The Astorga trial is currently scheduled to begin the first week of May, according to Attorney Public Information Officer Davis Patrick of the Bernalillo County District Attorney’s office.

There are no further motions, on either side expected and discovery and jury selection questionnaires are being prepared, Davis said. Astorga is facing the death penalty.
Michael Paul Astorga is accused of shooting to death Bernalillo County Deputy Sheriff James McGrane Jr. on March 22, 2006, during a traffic stop in Tijeras.

The Astorga brothers and a half brother, Anthony Lucero have been accused or convicted of the death of five men. Matthew Astorga and Lucero are in Kansas prisons.
Based on my reporting, an anonymous commenter questioning why Matthew Astorga’s activities were being reported in Albuquerque.
The anonymous commenter posted a second time, leaving her name. She tried to defend Astorga’s action as self-defense. She is a an anti-death penalty advocate who befriended the Astorga’s mother and has taken up the cause of the Astorga family.
Family and friends of Astorga and the victim took to commenting on blogs and attempted to use my site. I found that some of the comments appeared to be attempts to threaten and intimidate each other. I moderated the comments and did not post them.
I’ve never been face to face with any of the Astorgas or Lucero. However, in observing and reading facts in these cases, a pattern seems to have emerged, especially with regards to Matthew.
Although both Michael and Matthew were put on trial of the murder of Maldonado-Sigala only Matthew was convicted, Michael was acquitted.
In a prison interview with KOAT TV’s Action 7 News Anchor Doug Fernandez, Matthew stated he would do anything for his big brother Michael. It seems he took full blame for murder of Jose Maldonado-Sigala even though there was evidence that Michael was present.
The telling pattern was that Astorga’s claim of self-defense was preceded by some insult to him or his family that caused him to go to the home of the men who were killed, calling them out, engaging in an argument that escalated into a fight and Matthew then shot the victims.
Law enforcement, district attorneys, juries, and courts tend to see that as premeditated murder, not self-defense.
1 comment:
As the patriarch of a family unit of Three fine citizens, adult sons with children, I see grave errors in parenting on exhibit here. The actions of the mother of these 'prodigy', is now being displayed daily in court. Now we know the source of this 'Behavior'. It appears to be a family trait to Never accept the word NO, from anyone. Finally the word NO comes from those in authority, most times with disasterous results. The career, violence prone, repeat offender, is a phenomenon well known in the highly legalistic USA. Few countries have this problem of 'Repeat Offenders'. 'Behavior' is a learned trait. Anyone crossing paths with these violence prone, 'Career Offenders' allowed to roam free in society, runs the very real risk of facing death for themselves and family members. Five Million Law Abiding, FBI background checked and Certified Citizens of the USA, now believe this to the extent they are legally Certified to carry a Concealed weapon... BTW, collectively they are one of the most law abiding demographic ever on record..
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