I was up in Santa Fe at the beginning of the month and stopped by the Senate chambers to assess possible camera locations for webcasting the 30-day session, which began January 19.

In 2008, by way of a memorial, the Senate paved the way to webcast when it appropriated $75,000 to the broadcasting effort.
Remotely operated cameras and control equipment was purchased and installed in anticipation of the 60-day session.
The Senate Committee’s Committee blamed the economy for their decision not to use $30,000 of the $75,000 previously appropriated to the broadcasting effort according to the santafenewmexican.com, posting, "Budget crunch delays session webcasting," whose link has since been removed .
Sen. Mark Boitano’s 2009 bill, SB 401 and resolution, SR 3 addressed webcasting. The issue has been addressed since passage back in 2005, of a different measure sponsored by him.

On the House side, Representative Janice Arnold-Jones took her computer with a webcam to her committee meetings and set off a firestorm.

Part of the online response to live webcasting idea is to allow citizens to watch the legislators live and to e-mail their lawmakers directly to add to the debate.
My first thought was hopefully, that if the cameras were up there might have been some change of heart and some backroom deal, similar to last year’s changing course again.

The new social media advocates suggest that instant communications with lawmakers during floor debates might add positively to the legislative process. However, it is questionable and problematic, at best.
Law making should be a deliberative process and citizens who want to participate should be well prepared about the issues and have communicated their concerns well before the final debate.
There are several reasons why this is not such a good idea.

In his 1995, book, "The Electronic Republic: Reshaping Democracy in the Information Age," Lawrence K. Grossman explored the use of the then burgeoning internet and contemplated its use to flatten the representative form of government and have citizens communicate directly with their legislators. He noted the increased use of ballot initiatives and pondered whether to allow citizens the ability to vote directly on every piece of legislation.
Grossman wrote of several factors to take into consideration:
“The distorting influence of money and other concerns,”He also predicted that rise of information, but did not perceive the decline in newspapers. He acknowledged the small number of people who controlled the vast majority of “news” media outlets.
“The professionalization of politics,”
“The rise of Interest politics,”
“’Dumbing down’ the quality of information.”

We will be covering the Senate floor activities. Though we can’t promise wall-to-wall coverage we will do the best we can.
We can be found by linking to NM Senate Live.
By some stretch of irony, we will be covering the House Rules and Order of Business Committee, which is taking up the issue of webcasting House activities.
This is the committee which, last year was the scene of the battle over letting Rep. Arnold-Jones continue to webcast her assigned Committee hearings.

Forgetting his basic civics lesson on the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom… of the press…The current House rules allow for videoing committee meetings with the permission of the chair.
Yet the First prohibits government from requiring the asking of citizens to watch, participate and to disseminate what they see and hear to their fellow citizens.

I don't seek permission form government to exercise a Constitutional right.
If we get through that Constitutional test, then we will be back on the Senate side.

There still are some legislators, like Rep. Gail Chasey, D, Bernalillo County, who as a member of the House Rules Committee, told the hearing that she is afraid that images on webcasts will be used against law makers in negative campaign ads.

Chasey should not worry about webcasting under the control of the Legislative Council Services technicians; it's the average citizen or hired ad agency video crew of whom she needs to be wary.
The efforts of NM Senate Live are nothing more than a nudge to have both branches of the legislature broadcast their proceedings for the citizens of New Mexico to watch.

Another final issue of Capitol Report New Mexico was published just before the session. A Rio Grande Foundation grant funded the publication for just over a year. The Foundation chose to go another way.

Though a niche product, specializing in the numbers of the State’s budgeting process, it has provided analytical viewpoints from well-regarded observers of the inner working of policy making. Regular contributors included: New Mexico State University History and Political Science Professor Dr. Jose Z. Garcia, who blogs, “La Politica: New Mexico! La Voz del Valle del Sur,“ University of New Mexico Department of Political Science Professor and Regents Lecturer Dr. Lonna Atkeson, President and Executive Director of the New Mexico Tax Research Institute Richard L. Anklam, New Mexico’s Rio Grande Foundation President Paul Gessing, and several guest writers.
I provided the photography and proofreading (any typographical errors are a testament to my lack of skills as a copy editor).
CRNM has had a life as a slick magazine, a newsprint product and has a web presence. I predict we will continue reviving again when some more funding comes along.
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