I’ve provided photographs to New Mexico Politics with Joe Monahan for two years, two weeks and two days and had my 300th original picture published on his site today. More than 80 of those images have been posted more than once.

Aug. 21, 2006, Madrid, Pelosi… Scalia?
Oct. 13, 2006, Governor’s Image
Nov. 5, 2006, Road Runner’s Confusion
Dec. 5, 2006, Can We See Laura?
Jan. 24, 2007, Goodbye ABQPAC. Hello, What Do You Call Yourself?
Feb. 19, 2007, Just Getting Older
April 16, 2007, Perp Walk? Not Quite!
Oct. 9, 2007, Busy Busy Busy…
Oct. 16, 2007, Round ‘em Up, Put ‘em in the Political Corral
Nov. 7, 2007, Political Corral Getting Crowded
Dec. 20, 2007, Shades of ‘My Weekly Reader’
Jan. 30, 2008, Let it Spin, Crash and Burn, or There Are No Rules...
April 30, 2008, Thanks Marjorie
May 15, 2008, For Pete’s Sake!
May 24, 2008, Ethical Public Service Act? Part 1
July 13, 2008, Trouble in Lobo Land. It’s “NOT” Irrelevant
July 28, 2008, Big Red: Ed Pennybacker
Aug. 23, 2008, National NEWS Flash; It’s Biden!

He has four levels of expertise that he displays. Among others, he understands: campaign financing, media placement, polling, and he knows just about everybody involved in politics.
He has an extensive roll-a-dex and an even wider range of people with whom he talks. He's known throughout New Mexico and has good contacts in Washington, D.C.
Monahan often times does not name his sources for a variety of reasons, but he does not publish anonymous tips. He will, like any good journalist, work from anonymous tips, verifying them and assuring the validity of his stories.
Monahan calls his unnamed sources, “Alligators” after the old line that, “It’s hard to remember that your goal is to drain the swamp, when you’re up to your ass in alligators.” In politics, or as he likes to phrase it in Spanish, “La Politica;” someone’s always biting at your butt.

In 1984, Sen. Pete Domenici recruited his top aide, Lou Gallegos, to run against then-freshman US Congressman Bill Richardson. Monahan was press secretary for Gallegos‘ campaign, which Richardson won.
Monahan returned to New Mexico and worked in the Santa Fe radio market before he was assignment editor at KGGM TV.
Monahan helped Martin Chávez, during his 1993 mayoral transition.
He now owns a public relations company with private clients and does pro bono work for some non-profit organization. Through his public relations company, Monahan has been a spokesman for the Committee to Protect Dona Ana County. His association with the committee was criticized because controversial owner of Sunland Park Racetrack and Casino, Stan Fulton was a member of the committee. Fulton was also the single largest individual contributor to Patricia Madrid's Justice for America; a New Mexico state non-congressional political action committee. Justice for America was formed by the former Attorney General, prior to her unsuccessful 2006 run for U.S. House against Rep Heather Wilson.

So what’s wrong with this picture?
I have been providing political portraits for Monahan’s blog for a couple of years now.
Business could always be better. However, like any publication, photographers want more and bigger pictures run while editors are always worried about space. No difference here. I mutter and spit when Monahan writes a harsh piece and does not use a picture from my archives to illustrate the topic of his writing.

Romero knew Wilson well, as she had shown in her first 2006 TV ad and she comes out negative, asking why has her primary Senate opponent, Rep. Steve Pearce gone negative? Pearce had at least run an introduction ad before he went after her.

Monahan’s take: enlightens many, confuses some, and angers others. He is accused by the full political spectrum of being favorable towards various camps’ opponents when he discloses some embarrassing fact. I know some conservative bloggers who laid the term “Dem blogger” on him while some progressives say he a Republican attack dog.
However, I can assure you that the best test of the accuracy of Monahan’s point of view is when both sides seem equally displeased, or more accurately “pissed off” with him.
I’m going to stick around as Monahan and I have some plans of our own to take his blog to another dimension.
So, stand by for Joe.
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