The city’s one-day record snowfall, not matched since 1959, and the ensuing cold spell that has not allowed for melting, has wreaked havoc on the City and County governments’ efforts in clearing residential side streets. Schools were blocked in, many side streets were icy or impassable and school bus operators refused to pick up children out of concerns for their safety.

New Mexico, in almost every way, relies on the Zia sun to help us, particularly with street clearing. It didn’t happen for nearly a week. Lots of folks got upset.
“There’s so much in the news about the snow and I just wanted to know about the valiant efforts APS has been making,” APS Board of Education President Paula Maes said.
“We’ve been criticized by the city and I want to make it clear that I find that very disturbing, because we certainly have not pointed fingers,” APS Superintendent Elizabeth Everitt said. “I believe it’s a whole community effort, but busses cannot get through city streets; is not our problem. We are working very hard with the city. I think they’ve done a valid job. Just as we have to get our kids back to school.”

“Because the roads were so bad on the side streets we could,” not open Thursday, Winter said.

“In fairness to the city, this is an unprecedented storm,” Winter, who is also a City Councilor said, “and the same issues are with the city.”
“Now what I think as a City Council, what we’re going to look at, is how we can adapt to put snowplows on, like refuse trucks and things like that. They do that in Denver.” The City does not have the equipment to clear residential areas, Winter said.

The Albuquerque Journal featured a copyrighted front-page headline, Friday, “APS Auditors investigating Police Dept. Financial Discrepancies Probed.” On Monday, the Journal’s headline read “APS Police Chief Put On Leave.” Investigative reporter Colleen Heild wrote that Chief Lovato had unsuccessfully tried get records removed from his office, then ordered that nothing be taken from his office.
Lucero gave an interview to Rod Green of KOAT-TV Action 7 News on Tuesday supporting Lovato. He said that if there were any discrepancies, they would be small and insignificant claiming the audit was triggered by the work of a disgruntled employee.
Does a question of disconnect arise when Lucero commends “Gil found some money,” at the special meeting and an audit begins that looks into, according to the Journal, “part of the focus relates to money tagged into evidence and where it went?” Is Lucero trying to spin the story of the audit by showing Lovato as a “good guy?”
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