It is the end of the year and the end of the decade; time to review the top stories of the year.
In the past I have relied on the Associated Press’ list of the top ten stories. This year the story came from the national bureau. The State’s AP bureau was recently reduced in size and I would contend that the absence of the list is just one of the examples of the diminished service.
So I offer my list of top stories for the year; I present them in no particular order.

Though City elections are “non-partisan,” meaning that candidates don’t run on party platforms and political parties do not hold primaries, there is nothing non-partisan about the outcome. Councillors Lewis and Cook join District 4 Councillor Brad Winter, District 8 Councillor Trudy Jones, and District 9 Councillor Harris to make a 5-4 Republican majority on the Council. It is not a veto proof number, but with Berry being a Republican the political power shifted slightly. Partisan politics is not as sharply defined as it is at the state and national levels.

Former Democratic State Senate Pro Tem Manny Aragón began serving a 67-month sentence after pleading guilty before Federal District Judge William P. Johnson.

Aragón's co-defendants included: former Albuquerque Mayor Schultz; architect Marc Schiff; then construction manager Michael Murphy; electronics subcontractor Manuel Guara; former Metropolitan Court Administrator Toby Martinez and his wife Sandra Mata Martinez; and audio-visual contractor Raul Parra. All pleaded guilty and were given sentences ranging from probation to prison. They all were fined and ordered to pay restitution for skimming $4.3 million from the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Courthouse construction.

The secret New Mexico federal grand jury was only one of several grand juries across the country investigating government corruption scandals into the possible links between large donations to Richardson’s political campaign and to his nonprofit organizations, "Moving America Forward" and "Si se puede," from donors who received lucrative contracts with the State.

Because of the secrecy surrounding a grand jury it is impossible to determine if the panel was used only as a prosecutor’s investigative tool or if they were asked to vote on an any indictments.

The Department of Justice decided not to pursue any criminal charges.
Richardson’s name was linked through press reports with several other investigations including Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich who was indicted for multiple counts of corruption. Another investigation in New York involved some of the same individuals and accusations.

Former New Mexico Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron was indicted on 59 counts by a Bernalillo County grand jury for the misuse of millions of federal dollars meant for voter education.
Richardson pushed for "election reforms" including reverting to all paper ballots for the 2006 state elections.
As Secretary of State, Vigil-Giron implemented the all paper ballots. She claimed to have done so with no money and had to go back to the legislature to fund outstanding bills.
Upon being term limited out of office, she was appointed to head the New Mexico Film Museum. When an audit of the Secretary of State's office was begun, the museum job offer was withdrawn and Vigil-Giron was assigned to the State's Department of Workforce Solutions.
More recently critics alleged that Richardson was protecting her employment even after she was indicted.

King is seen addressing the Albuquerque Press Club during the 1970 gubernatorial campaign against Pete Domenici, which King won.
King was eulogized by former President Bill Clinton at his funeral in Moriarty. Clinton said King mentored him when he was Governor of Arkansas, serving in office beginning in 1979; King’s second term stared at the same time.

New Mexico traditionally economically lags behind the rest of the country, during both recessionary and boom periods.

The 60-day legislative session began with news that leadership of the State Senate, defying their own rule to provide a live video record of floor proceedings, dismantled three recently installed remote-controlled cameras for web casting.
Openness of the legislature became the watchword for the media. Transparency took center stage over all other issues.

However, the House leadership, through the Rules Committee took up the issue the next day. Facing a phalanx of press and on-line news bloggers, the committee deferred any action against Arnold-Jones. Over the next few days the House determined their floor proceedings would be webcast in audio form and two other Republican House members began webcasting their committee meetings.
Before the session was over, both houses were providing an audio link of floor activities through legislative websites.

More stories were published or posted on the topic of open government than any other single issue.

Efforts to webcast were not immediately successful, but by the last meeting the staff had worked out the bugs and 26 people logged on to watch the task force meeting.

On September 20, 2009, newly hired University of New Mexico Head Football Coach Mike Locksley was involved in a physical altercation with one of his assistant coaches, J.B. Gerald. Gerald filed a police report with the Albuquerque Police Department rather than UNM PD. The incident happened on UNM property. Gerald did not want to press criminal charges.
A week later Peter St. Cyr broke the story.
UNM’s sports department, headed by Athletic Director Paul Krebs handled the events that followed in a ham-fisted manner. There was a poorly executed cover-up. It took weeks and an expose on ESPN cable show, “Between the Lines,” before Locksley was suspended for 10 days.
The local District Attorney failed to step in and bring a misdemeanor charge of simple battery in the name of the people of the State of New Mexico vs. Michael Locksley.
A New Mexico soccer player Elizabeth Lambert, a junior was suspended indefinitely for her physical actions, elbowing, punching and pulling an opposing player to the ground by her ponytail, during a semifinals game with BYU in the Mountain West Conference tournament.
Time Magazine listed Lambert number 10 on their top 10 pariahs, 10. Soccer's Ponytail Yanker.