However, he only seems to do it to people who are smaller than he is. Of course that’s most people, because he’s a big guy.

It seems he has a need to feed his ego by forcing himself on people.

In the schoolyard, a guy like that is called a bully.

His staff make excuses for his physical contact.

Richardson has called a special session of the Legislature to address issues that he could not get passed during the last regular session. Particularly, returning some taxes based on $400 million of oil and gas revenues and for universal health care.
It is within the exclusive purview of the Governor to call a special session. However, in calling the Legislature back to Santa Fe, he is interfering with a more important process – a free and open election.

State law prohibits Legislators from raising money during a session.
1-19-34.1. Legislative session fundraising prohibition.
A. It is unlawful during the prohibited period for a state legislator or a candidate for state legislator, or any agent on behalf of either, to knowingly solicit a contribution for a political purpose. For purposes of this subsection, "prohibited period" means that period beginning January 1 prior to any regular session of the legislature or, in the case of a special session, after the proclamation has been issued, and ending on adjournment of the regular or special session.
B. It is unlawful during the prohibited period for the governor, or any agent on his behalf, to knowingly solicit a contribution for a political purpose. For purposes of this subsection, "prohibited period" means that period beginning January 1 prior to any regular session of the legislature or, in the case of a special session, after the proclamation has been issued, and ending on the twentieth day following the adjournment of the regular or special session.

So what does this mean?
It effectively brings a halt to political campaigning for the State Legislature. It doesn’t just apply to the legislators, but also to those running against incumbents.
“No soliciting contributions for a political purpose,” does not only mean financial contributions, but may also be interpreted as soliciting contributions of ones vote through advertising, sending out mailers or distributing yard signs.
It also means that the Governor is prohibited from campaigning or supporting any candidate for the State Legislature.

I doubt Richardson gave the ramifications of the Legislative session fundraising prohibition any consideration at all. But if he did, isn’t it one of the wickedest political maneuvers you’ve ever seen?
Consider that Richardson now has all the Legislators at his call, unable to campaign for their upcoming election, from the day he formally announced the session, July 21, until they adjourn. Does this sound like blackmail or just political manipulation? – Do my work and you can get back to campaigning.

Richardson has an additional problem in that the law prohibits him, specifically making it, “…unlawful during the prohibited period for the governor, …to knowingly solicit a contribution for a political purpose.” That would be any political purpose, including retiring his presidential debt. He also has an additional 20-days tacked on to his probation; the time he is allowed to act on any legislation that might be passed. Even if the Legislature were to adjourn without passing anything, the Governor would still have to wait 20-days before resuming contributions for a political purpose. The prohibition covers the dates of the Democratic National Convention. Richardson is probably considered a big draw in Denver.

However, the opinion is only advisory and does not address the Governor's non federal office activities in which he would still be prohibited from being involved.
Now I doubt that it was anyone’s intent to have this law interfere with free elections, but that is exactly what it has done. The statute makes sense during a regular session, far from the election cycle, but after the campaign season formally begins, by law, there is a conflict that has developed.
Meant as a piece of ethics reform, it now disrupts the fundamental concept of our democratic society.
What should take precedence? Holding a non-emergency special session or not disrupting the elections by delaying the special session until after the election.

The First Amendment right to campaign freely for office should not be disrupted by the call for a special session and the attendant prohibition against fund raising.
Some of what is on the Governor’s call is purely political, specifically a tax rebate or refund. The excess Richardson proposes returning will still be there mid January. There are some things the Governor should not have his hands all over.

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