The race is so close that no clear victor has emerged; though it is apparent that the race is between U.S. Senators Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama.

Four years ago, the State Democratic Party chose to move from the traditional June primary date to early February to become “more relevant” in the primary process. The June date is so late that the primary candidates have been eliminated, either by poor showing and the resultant lack of continued funding or one candidate has taken an insurmountable lead.
State Democratic Party Chairman Brian Colón, had tried to downplay the expected turnout for the caucus, predicting that only as few as 40,000 of the over half million registered Democrats would vote.
“I have a lot of people mad at me,” Colón said, just after the 7 pm poll closing time Tuesday.

Though most polling places were reporting, according to a Party press release 17,246 provisional ballots need to be determined. Provisional ballots are issued to voters whose names do not appear on the registration rolls at the polls or they went to the wrong polling station. Before these ballots can be counted, the voter’s registration must be verified.
It seems that three ballot boxes went missing in Rio Arriba County and one in Sandoval County.

So what’s wrong with this picture?

My Take
There seems to be good reason why New Mexico Democrats wanted to move the caucus forward; the closeness of the vote is going to take a while to sort out. In the last couple of presidential elections, it has taken days to determine a full accounting of ballots here in our fine state.
The Democrats want a stake at the big table, they want to play the big money hand but can only ante up penny limits. The thinking is fine, be a part of a significant political decision. However, if the party can’t afford to properly fund the election, can’t rent enough buildings for polling places, can’t get enough volunteers to man those stations, then maybe, they should either just wait until the traditional June primary date or move the entire primary process to February.

The Democrats, by taking the process away from the primary, run by the Secretary of State and the County Clerks, raise questions of how well the process works.
There are other things that just looked weird.

Normally campaigning is not allowed within 100 feet of a polling place. However, this was not a normal situation. The Party was parsing words and was wary of what they called electioneering versus campaigning. The difference seems to be that electioneering would be advocating of a person on the ballot, while campaigning was related to non current ballot political activity. When governments run the elections all political activity is banned within 100 feet of a polling place.

New Mexico is not a winner take all state. There are 38 delegates to the National Convention, to be held in Denver this summer. The candidates that 26 of those delegates are required to support are decided through the caucus. The other 12 delegates are considered super delegates and are made up of elected and party leaders. The super delegates are free to decide to support whomever they wish.
The winner of the caucus is likely to have a one, maybe two vote lead among the 26 delegates.
New Mexico’s outcome seems to be becoming almost irrelevant, as the campaigns after Super Tuesday move on. Saturday, Obama picked up the states of Washington, Nebraska and Louisiana and is neck and neck with Clinton in the delegate count.
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