The governor has joined Archbishop Michael Sheean, in supporting the ban. He is seen here leaving the state of the state address, opening the legislature a couple of weeks ago.

So what's wrong with this picture?

It seems Richardson has upset his otherwise friendly nationally syndicated radio talk show host, Don Imus, yesterday. Imus is a part time resident of Ribera, a small town northeast of Santa Fe, where he and his brother, Fred, run a ranch and summer camp. Imus insists it be called a "working ranch," for children suffering from cancer and other diseases.
Imus is upset with the governor for not moving quickly on helping transform an old schoolhouse in Ribera into a community center. Read all about it at http://joemonahansnewmexico.blogspot.com/ where you will be directed to a video and to Imus’ blog, http://imusblog.com/governor-bill-richardson-cancels-appearance-on-imus/; you can listen to the seven-minute rant. Richardson was scheduled to be on the show Thursday, but the flap caused the Democratic presidential candidate to cancel.
Imus, in addition to calling ‘Big Bill” fat, was particularly irritated with the governor’s staff, including Shipley. The "I man” called the campaign staff, “not ready for prime time,” when they insisted he apologize to Richardson.
Imus gave me a Spanish lesson as he taught me how to say, "Beso mi culo!” translation; “Kiss my Ass!”
If you worry that game fowl fighting is about to be outlawed; don’t fret, nature abhors a vacuum. Just stay tuned for more Imus – Richardson – in the morning. Feathers will surely fly.
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