What’s Wrong With This Picture?
I received a less than seven-hour notice of a Transparency Website Briefing from the City Director of Communications Chris Ramirez. This was sent as an email to the “media contact” list for announcing photo opportunities or press conferences. This was an exception to the normal, press releases, which are sent out after an event.
Transparency Website Briefing
From: "Ramirez, Chris T."To: Media ContactsSubject: Transparency Website BriefingDate: Aug 25, 2010 9:16 AMMedia:Mayor Richard J. Berry extends an invitation for you to be briefed on the City of Albuquerque's new Transparency Website. The mayor and City staff have worked for several months to craft the nation's leading website on open government and they are very pleased to show you the website in it's entirety.Please join the mayor: Today July 24, 2010 4pm Albuquerque Convention Center, Cochiti Room (Lower Level West Building)Chris Ramirez Director of CommunicationsOffice of Mayor Richard J. BerryCity of Albuquerque(505) Redacted c(505) 768-3322 o
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
You may notice the date on the email and the date in the body of the text differ by a day. If the text had been correct the event happened 24-hours earlier.

MacQuigg and I attended the Mayor Richard Berry’s press and administration briefing of the City of Albuquerque's new Transparency Website, “ABQ View.”

I sensed a residual affect lingering from the prior administration, where Martin Chávez continually claimed I had intimidated him and falsely accused me of having pushed him. Something I never did. He refused to bring any charges, but had his protective detail officers ban me, rather than accompany me if they believed what Chávez told them. No Albuquerque police officer has ever seen me engage in any unlawful act in their presence, a requirement for an arrest, because it has never happened.

MacQuigg: I would like to ask a question about public information officers, which is the flipside of this, the other half... Berry: Yep. MacQuigg: At this point, I would expect to be able to go to a PIO and get the truth as opposed to spin. Berry: Well that’s a subjective question. I don’t know what you’d call spin, I’m not sure what, you’d have to give me a little more information on that. We’ve got Chris Rameriez here with us today, where’s Chris? Chris is our director of communications. We have different PIOs in different departments because certain departments have a great demand. We have got T.J. Wilham, who’s here with us. He’s our PIO, or our communications director for public safety. I would venture to guess that in conversations that I’ve had with the media that I think our track record is pretty darn good. If people ask us a question, we’re pretty good at giving them a straight answer. We’re really making an effort towards that.

I asked Welsh if she truly thought “ABQ View” was heaven? She said yes. So I then asked her if she would join MacQuigg and myself on a trip to Hell – the APS audit Committee meeting – starting in about a half-hour. She showed signs of being more than slightly uncomfortable at that prospect and declined.

NAME GAME: A sharp-eyed reader pointed out that mayoral spokesman Chris Ramirez doesn't appear on the city's transparency website, at least not in an obvious way. The "earnings report" lists instead a Chris "Huffman." Ramirez said that's his legal name, but as a professional, he's always gone by his mom's last name: Ramirez.

Name: Huffman, Christopher T.
Department: Mayor's Office
Earnings Year to Date: $54,379.20
Job Title: Director of Communications
So, What’s Wrong With This Picture?

The Mayor’s staff begrudgingly welcomed us, and though Berry is adamant about being open, there are staffers who are bound and determined to protect him from any hint of bad news or tough questioning. I was on the city’s “News Media Press Release” e-mail list, NewsReleases@cabq.gov.

This is a partial list of members of the media who attended; it seems that there were several outlets with two camera crews doing coverage:
KOB TV News' Chief Photographer Bazz McClain KOB TV Photographer Isaias Medina former KOB TV Reporter Misa Maruyama.
KOAT TV photographer
former KRQE TV Reporter Kaitlin McCarthy
former KRQE TV Reporter Maria Medina
KRQE TV Reporter Jim Winchester
KRQE TV Photographer Mike Lovely

Next Post: Part Six: August 25, 2010, APS Audit committee.